Let’s Come Together

Katie Weber, Past-President

What a strange trip it's been! Our personal, professional, and literal worlds have taken such a dramatic turn over the last 6 weeks that I, for one, can hardly recognize them. Living and thriving during and after a global pandemic is going to take a colossal effort, collectively. So, let's do that. Let us work as group to ensure that ALL of us, as landscape designers and professionals, and as a community, come through this the best we can. To that end, I have put together a list of tips and resources that I have found helpful and would like to share with you.

Support your business and employees
The information and support available seems to be changing hourly. Look to these sites for the most up to date info.
City of Seattle
City of Vancouver
King County
Pierce County
Washington State
Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP) Information Sheet home.treasury.gov/system/files/136/PPP--Fact-Sheet.pdf

Reach out and connect
Use your business' social media pages to stay in contact with fellow professionals. Do your part, too! Post inspiring photos, quotes, projects – your efforts make a difference. Collaborate with fellow landscape professionals with these Facebook groups:
Green Meridian (started and hosted by our own Alan Burke) facebook.com/groups/914132658651241
Yes Express (hosted by fellow landscape designer, Joshua Gillow) facebook.com/groups/yesexpress
On Instagram, follow:
Did you know you can “follow” hashtags on Instagram as well? I recommend:
#landscapedesign #landscapedesigner #iamapld

Take advantage of your memberships
Now is the time to fully engage with our professional peers. As an APLDWA member, are you signed up for the Google Group? If not, reach out to me (katie@katieweberlandcapedesign.com), and I will assist you in enrolling. Are you also a member of APLD's Virtual Chapter? There are lots of great discussions happening there (apldchapter.ning.com). Utilize APLD's Education Library and it's collection of webinars (apld.org/members-area/education).

Connect with your clients
You can continue to meet with your clients even as we stay at home. Video conference calls are easy under multiple platforms:
Zoom zoom.us
Microsoft Teams products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app
Discord discordapp.com
Skype skype.com

Work on those big projects

Have you been putting off getting certified? NOW is time to work on that packet. What about your website? When was it last updated? NOW is the time for that big redo. Have you been meaning to learn that new software? NOW is the time to dive deep into the tutorials and get fluent.

Last of all, take care of yourself

Give yourself a break. This is hard. Take time for self-care, however that is for you. For me, I've been knitting up a storm and meeting over Zoom with my knit group. I'm getting out and working in my own garden. I'm joining in friends' Netflix parties, watching old movies, and chatting (netflixparty.com). I'm having FaceTime happy hours with girlfriends. I'm reading. I'm playing board games with the kids. I'm baking. I'm exercising and getting outside. What are you doing for you?

Take care, everyone. And stay healthy. We've got this.


How Can I Help?


The New Normal