Update on the City of Seattle Stormwater Regulations
Prepared by Christie Coxley, with additional materials from City of Seattle
Image Courtesy of the City of Seattle
Cistern system overflow into raingarden.
Image Courtesy of C2 Urban Garden Design
Raingarden captures runoff from driveway and hardscaping.
Image Courtesy of C2 Urban Garden Design
Front yard bioswale garden.
Image Courtesy of C2 Urban Garden Design
Raingarden and overflow facility captures stormwater from public sidewalk.
Photo Courtesy of the City of Seattle
For example, in Seattle, some type of stormwater management technique will soon be required for any new single-family residential construction [or remodel] of over 2,000 square feet of impervious surface. There will be a stepped checklist of preferred remediations. The following methods of onsite stormwater management must be evaluated for feasibility in order by category. Category One includes: 1] full dispersion, 2] infiltration trenches, and 3] dry wells. If none of these is feasible then the next category must be evaluated, and so on through the four categories (total of 17 options).
Municipalities that collect stormwater runoff in municipal storm sewers and discharge it to surface waters must have a permit under the Federal Clean Water Act. The City of Seattle is updating its current Stormwater regulations, as mandated by Federal Law to meet the standards of the Department of Ecology’s (DOE’s) 2012 Stormwater Management Manual. The City is revising the format and language of its regulations to conform to that of the DOE manual. The new codes will be evaluated by the DOE for minimum compliance, and will address the following topics:
- Improve stormwater management for new development in Seattle, including Green Stormwater Infrastructure
- Improve Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Controls requirements
- Clarify Pollution Prevention, Good Housekeeping, and Operation and Maintenance
- Update the Source Control and Water Quality Treatment Practices
Members of the Advocacy Committee have attended informal presentation and feedback-gathering meetings hosted by the City of Seattle. We are monitoring Seattle’s process and providing feedback when necessary. And, Vanessa Gardner Nagel, APLD, has been attending pubic hearings and providing feedback for over a year on the process in Cowlitz County.
Stormwater management is a hot topic in many regions of the nation (Midwest, California and Eastern seaboard) and in other areas in Washington State. It will continue to impact our designs—whether mandated by code or by us as we create designs that result in more sustainable landscapes. I encourage members who encounter an unfamiliar code pertaining to stormwater to inform the Advocacy Committee so that we can continue to monitor changes throughout the region.
The website for Seattle’s update is http://www.seattle.gov/dpd/codesrules/changestocode/stormwatercode/whatwhy.