By Nancy Fasoldt, Fasoldt Gardens LLC

Recently, for the first time in our chapter's history, we reached the 'Over 100 Members' mark! The significance of achieving this milestone has a twofold meaning for us members. Firstly, it indicates that we all have a wealth of resources (each other!) to tap into within the thriving PNW Landscape Design community. Secondly, accomplishing this feat represents the fruiting form of our work—and therefore the seeding, nurturing, and time spent cultivating to allow for our chapter to grow. Good work to you all, and thank you for your remarkable contributions and ongoing dedication to our shared garden!

Members and presenters posing for a photo at APLDWA Event
Event on Climate-adapted Plants at the Elisabeth C.Miller Garden in 2023 (photo: Del Brummet)

As landscape designers and stewards of the land, we need to continue to give back to sustain the bounty. By actively participating in our organization, you can benefit from a vibrant professional network, gain access to educational resources, and contribute to the growth and success of our community. Whether it's attending discussions in-person or contributing to our online resources, your involvement will not only enrich your own professional journey but also make a lasting impact on the landscape design industry as a whole. Here are some ways for you to participate:

  • Engage in POD (Peer Organized Discussion) sessions, which provide a platform to connect with colleagues in small groups, fostering connections and camaraderie. For inquiries about PODs, reach out to our volunteer POD Manager, Kevin Monohan, at
  • Stay active in our Google Group, where you can both pose and answer landscape, plant, or design-related questions to your fellow local APLDWA members via email, benefiting from their collective knowledge and expertise.
  • Make use of and contribute to our Vendor List, a valuable database of preferred and recommended contractors and materials beyond our APLDWA membership, providing a resourceful avenue for finding trusted industry professionals.
  • Attend a diverse range of events, including online and in-person workshops, tours, speakers, lunch and learns, parties, and the APLD International Landscape Design Conference. These occasions offer excellent networking opportunities with other members while enriching your professional development.
  • Take the initiative to connect with fellow members and familiarize yourself with their businesses. Introduce yourself at events, consider joining the board or a committee, and don't hesitate to reach out via email to foster meaningful connections.
  • Play a part in expanding our membership by recruiting new designers or contractors who could benefit from joining APLDWA. Spread the word and keep an eye out for events that allow guests to attend.
  • Explore the possibility of joining the board or one of our six committees, as volunteering in these capacities is crucial for the health and vitality of our organization. By offering your service, you not only contribute to our mission but also gain personal benefits from the experience.

    Join the Board:

    For inquiries about joining the APLDWA Board, contact Sue Goetz at

    Join One of Our Committees:

    1. Team up with the Program Committee to help plan and present many wonderful programs for us. Reach out to Claire Hanna at or Lisa Port at
    2. The Membership Committee focuses on retaining and recruiting new members. Connect with Nancy Fasoldt at to get involved.
    3. Assist the Sponsorship Committee in retaining and recruiting sponsors to support our costs. Contact Robin Parsons at or Kathryn Neumann at for more information.
    4. Contribute to the Digital Media Committee by assisting with social media and newsletter management. Contact for details on how to get involved.
    5. Support the Certification Committee in organizing the tasks related to member certification. Contact Lisa Port at to lend a hand.
    6. Collaborate with the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee in promoting diversity within the landscape design industry. Reach out to Sarah Van Sanden at to contribute to this important initiative.

Members standing around and discussing landscape plans on a table.
East Side POD meeting at the project site of Gretchen Bauer in 2023, Gretchen explaining her vision and asking POD members for input on some design aspects (photo: Heidi Walther)

Members listening and taking notes at an APLDWA Event.
Marketing Strategies for Landscape Designers at CUH in 2020 (photo: Heidi Walther)

In my role, as the chair of the chapter membership committee, I attend quarterly meetings of the National Membership Committee. During our most recent gathering, it became clear to me that our chapter is held in exceptionally high regard nationwide. The National Committee bestowed recognition upon us, applauding our chapter for housing a remarkable cohort of visionaries and designers within our membership. This revelation came as a delightful surprise, as I had been unaware of the extent to which our chapter's reputation had resonated on a national scale. This acknowledgment further underscores the exceptional talent and innovative spirit that permeates our community, making me proud to be a part of our thriving APLD chapter.